Carla Denyer has compared the argument for nuclear deterrence to that of those who carry knives. Speaking on LBC's Sunday ...
Russia has issued a severe caution to France and its NATO allies, emphasizing that any French military instructors currently ...
T he U.S. and NATO’s provision of advanced weaponry to Ukraine has marked a significant escalation in the conflict with ...
Britain is examining the viability of an Israel-style "Iron Dome", Chief of the Defence Staff Admiral Sir Tony Radakin has ...
Biden was due to meet Macron for talks at the Elysee Palace in Paris followed by a state banquet given in his honor, with ...
Putin has previously boasted of Russia’s nuclear arsenal but he intensified his rhetoric this week at the forum, held as Nato ...
South Korea says it will start anti-Pyongyang loudspeaker broadcasts in retaliation against North Korean trash balloons.