The new measure requires automakers to achieve an average of 65 miles per gallon for all the car models they sell by 2031. By Coral Davenport In overheated Phoenix, firefighters are carrying ...
Farmers in India are switching to so-called 'natural' farming practices to make their crops more resilient to extreme weather ...
Quali sono i lavori più richiesti nel 2024? La necessità di una formazione continua è essenziale: tutti gli step per ...
For long, cucumbers and pumpkins remained the only popular squash vegetables in Bangladesh. When Bangladesh Agricultural Extensions introduced zucchinis to farmers in the late 1990s, there was som ...
In the ancient story, a hummingbird does what she can to fight a great fire – carrying droplets of water in her beak. Her actions – even though small – are helping solve a big problem. This ...
Manel Bondi , Chief of Digital Markets Growth presso DCO, ha commentato: "EconomiX funge da catalizzatore per il cambiamento e l'empowerment nel contesto della rivoluzione digitale. Colma una lacuna ...
The alert has been raised by Spanish environmental association Anecpla which says the ghastly insects will come out in their droves and show a very noticeable increase due to higher temperatures.