Known as chancaca in Chile, Bolivia and Peru, and panela in Guatemala and Colombia, piloncillo (in Mexico) is made by ...
One of the many exciting things about Latin America is that the cuisine is delicious and versatile. Street food, in ...
Made from squash and sweet potatoes, they are traditionally served with sugar cane syrup called chancaca. Hard to find in U.S. restaurants, if they’re on offer, order them. Vibe: This casual ...
So you can figure out your cancha (Andean corn kernels toasted in a pan with oil) from your chancaca (a sweet sauce made from sugarcane). Although after a glass of wonderfully dry and lively ...
Known as chancaca in Chile, Bolivia and Peru, and panela in Guatemala and Colombia, piloncillo (in Mexico) is made by crushing and extracting the juice from sugar cane. (A similar product ...