Every year, many of the hundreds of thousands of refugees and migrants from sub-Saharan Africa seeking asylum or jobs in ...
UN officials say few protection services are available to help hundreds of thousands of refugees and migrants making the ...
The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) on Wednesday called for an expansion of rescue efforts for people on major migration routes to ...
If Europe takes a more anti-migrant stance following upcoming elections it could impact the willingness of countries globally ...
Vincent Cochetel, the UN refugee agency’s special envoy for the central and western Mediterranean, voiced concern that a more hardline approach to migrants and refugees in Europe could influence ...
Vincent Cochetel, the UN refugee agency’s special envoy for the central and western Mediterranean, voiced concern that a more hardline approach to migrants and refugees in Europe could influence ...
The UN refugee agency UNHCR has called for the rescue of people on dangerous migration routes to be expanded. This content was pu ...
Vincent Cochetel, the UN refugee agency's special envoy for the central and western Mediterranean, voiced concern that a more hardline approach to migrants and refugees in Europe could influence ...
GENEVA – The lack of protection services on major routes used by refugees and migrants is alarming and has become more acute than in recent years, according to a mapping report released today by UNHCR ...