St. Lawrence College’s president and chief executive officer, Glenn Vollebregt, told the graduates to believe in themselves. ...
For the 77th year, scholarships were awarded to Laguna Beach High School’s graduating seniors in the annual honors ...
A video circulating on social media shows a graduating McGill University student making what appear to be spitting motions at ...
The incident took place at the university’s 2024 Spring Convocation for the Faculty of Arts. A source, who wishes to remain ...
The Director of Nursing, Federal Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Dame Francisca Okafor, on Thursday urged Nursing graduates to think less of embarking on the search for greener pasture.Okafor ...
The soon-to-be McMaster graduate says his accomplishment is as much his as it is the friends, family, professors, TAs, ...
Naidu was addressing the graduating students of Institute of Rural Management, Anand as the Chief Guest of its 43rd ...
Living in harmony, offering a helping hand to the suppressed and the depressed, no gender discrimination and no social ...
He declared that the institution is grooming its graduates to become reformers who will take the country to its promised land ...
Former Vice President of India, M Venkaiah Naidu, emphasized the significance of peaceful change brought by the people during ...
He added that the governor rewarded Olaniyi with N10 million for his outstanding academic feat during the 27th convocation grand finale on Thursday. “FLASH: Governor of Lagos State, Mr #jidesanwoolu ...
Former vice-president Venkaiah Naidu emphasizes peaceful change through democracy, rural empowerment, and tackling social ...