"Chronic stress and high levels of cortisol associated with depression can damage neurons in these areas. "However, a further ...
If you’ve scrolled through TikTok lately, you may have come across a few videos that claim cortisol, a.k.a the “stress ...
Depressive symptoms are linked to subsequent memory decline in older people, while poorer memory is also linked to an ...
Cortisol or the stress hormone is often considered bad for mental health However cortisol offers many health benefits when ...
Make it a point to check in with yourself every day about how you’re feeling and what you need, Fields advises. Thirty ...
Cortisol often called the stress hormone is often associated with poor mental health and weight gain But do you know it can ...
"Therefore, reframing our relationship with exercise is crucial. Moving our bodies releases dopamine which boosts mood, ...
If you feel perpetually stressed, it's about time you tried this probiotic that starts working in just five hours — see it ...
Research has found that our circadian rhythm relies primarily on light to know that its daytime, while other studies have ...
Stress is another one of the factors that can influence menstruation. "When we have higher stress we get higher cortisol ...
Experts give their top picks and hot tips on data being presented at the upcoming European Congress of Rheumatology taking ...