Taphataan lammii Beeljiyeem kuni maallaqi kilaboonni Saa’udi isaaf ofitti isa fudhachuuf dhiheessan ‘’amanuun kan rakkisu’’ jechuun ibse.
US irraa argatteen daangaa Raashiyaa haleeluu akka hayyamaniif dhiibbaan Pirezidaant Joo Baayidan irratti cimaa dhufeera.
The jury comprises of Sheikha Maryam Hassan Al Thani, Aissa Deebi, Maryam Wahid, Meriem Berrada and Sami Abdullah Al Ramyan.
Akkasumas, kutaa magaalattii, Gaajjaa Mask iddoo jedhamutti Bitootess 29, 2016 ALI galgala keessaa naannoo sa’aatii tokkootti qaama eenhymmaansaa hin beekamneen haleellaa raawwatameen amantoota ...
Nadine "Deebi" Carter is the bratty younger sister of Devon Carter. Nadine is jealous of Raven because she doesn't want to share Devon with her. In order to get a date with Devon Carter, Raven had to ...
Eejjannoo hawaasa naannichaa kana booda maal ta’uu danda’a gaaffii jedhu yeroo deebisutti, uummanni naannichaa gaaffiin keenya hanga deebi’utti hin barannu eejjannoo jedhu kan qabu ta’uu jiraataan ...
Are secrets always negative? Or can they be positive too? Neil and Beth discuss this and teach you some useful vocabulary. Now, psychological studies are uncovering a more positive side to secrets ...
Could bitter foods be better for your health? Beth and Phil discuss this and teach you some useful new vocabulary. Oh, that's a shame, because this episode is all about bitter food. It has ...