Students have clearly broken codes of conduct and, in some cases, the law. But the question of whether and how to discipline them is vexing universities.
Faced with student protestors’ demands, donors, and managing their reputations, educational institutions are finding themselves between a rock and a hard place.
National Security Minister Ben-Gvir demanded an investigation against Labor Party Chairman Yair Golan for incitement, urging ...
brought Henry David Thoreau’s notion of civil disobedience into bold relief. Thoreau understood that resistance to immoral or ...
“God has ordained the state as a delegated authority; it is not autonomous. The state is to be an agent of justice, to ...
The key word in civil disobedience is “civil.” In a democracy, progress is seldom (dare I say never) accomplished by hurling ...
But an uproar ensued. One that merits discussion. The tendency of the media and the public was to debate the issue by asking ...
Shops were closed and streets were empty across Sudan on Sunday, the first day of a general strike called for the start of the workweek by protest leaders demanding the resignation of the ruling ...
Rules and laws exist for a reason, even on a university campus. Sometimes it might be necessary to engage in civil disobedience or even take direct action to try to stop the machinery of injustice.
But our willingness to face the consequences of civil disobedience is a message to Congressman Pappas and his colleagues in ...
Bersatu president Muhyiddin Yassin has warned the party's elected representatives that refusal to follow any order by the ...
But that was different because the students there were occupying a building, a totally different level of civil disobedience. You have to understand the geography of the Dartmouth Green where this ...