HighlightsGladiator has recently received the processed results from a high-definition drone-borne aeromagnetic survey ...
Key Insights Significant control over Metcash by retail investors implies that the general public has more power ...
Defense Minister Wellington Koo (顧立雄) said Thursday that the ministry can invoke the right of self-defense or take ...
The Executive Yuan is preparing to have the Legislature reconsider recently passed amendments aimed at improving government ...
關於 人工智慧 模型是否應該「開放原始碼」,科技界存在著一場大規模爭論。2015年協助創立OpenAI的馬斯克,對這間新創公司和其執行長奧特曼提起訴訟,聲稱該公司偏離其開放的使命。拜登政府正調查開源模型帶來的 風險 和益處。
A bill to safeguard access to contraceptives faces a U.S. Senate vote on Wednesday, part of a push by congressional Democrats to focus public attention on reproductive rights ahead of the November ele ...
【明報專訊】Today marks the 35th anniversary of the June Fourth Incident. 35 years ago, multitudes of citizens and students in Beijing headed to Tiananmen Square on their own initiative to mourn the death o ...