The voting across 27 members of the European Union was a gauge of popular political sentiment at an unsettling moment on the ...
BRUSSELS -- A four-day election has shaken the foundations of the European Union, with the far right rocking ruling parties ...
Bulgarians are choosing a new parliament Sunday while also participating in European Union elections that have been ...
More than 330 million people across 27 countries that make up the European Union are voting for their representatives in the ...
The European Union elections start Thursday and results will be known late Sunday. All eyes are on how well the populist and ...
So-called euroskeptic parties notched their best results to date in Continent-wide polls. This doesn’t mean Europeans don’t ...
Results indicate a surge of support for parties that are far to the right of the political spectrum. However, the largest ...
Right-wing parties put on a show of strength in European Union elections, prompting French President Emmanuel Macron to call ...
BRUSSELS (AP) — Far-right parties made such big gains at the European Union parliamentary elections that they dealt stunning ...
The European Union (EU) has raised Schengen visa application fees from €80 to €90 for adult African and other non-EU citizens.
The first major estimates coming out of the European Union parliamentary elections Sunday suggest that the far right will ...
The European Union’s parliamentary elections resulted in major victories for right-wing parties in what could be a growing trend across the continent. The National Rally party in France stood with ...