The U.N. secretary-general will list Israel and Hamas as violating the rights and protection of children in armed conflict in ...
Israel accuses Hamas and its allies in Gaza of using civilian infrastructure ... On Friday, the office of war cabinet member ...
Israel's military struck what it says was a Hamas position inside a U.N.-run school in northern Gaza. Palestinian emergency officials said three people were killed. The attack Friday came a day after ...
The Israel-Hamas war appears to have become much less deadly for Palestinian women and children, according to an AP analysis ...
The pier was only operational for a week before a storm broke it apart, and had initially struggled to reach delivery goals ...
The upcoming inclusion of Israel on a UN list of countries and armed forces determined to be failing to protect children in ...
Local volunteers helped them set up the Little Gaza Kitchen in northern Metro Manila, where they sell fare such as ...
An Israeli airstrike hit a U.N.-run school compound in northern Gaza on Friday, killing three people according to Palestinian ...
Lebanon continues to be afflicted by a catastrophic financial collapse which hit the country in 2019. Caused by decades of ...
Sources tell Middle East Eye that the plan envisions boosting ties as the Biden administration searches for post-war Gaza ...
Washington, D.C., will play host to both the Capital Pride Parade and the Surround the White House for Gaza protest on Saturday.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken is returning to the Middle East on his eighth diplomatic mission to the region since the ...