Infibulation – the partial stitching up of the vulva – was used to temporarily signal the virginity of girls and young women, increasing their market value. “According to descriptions by ...
The types of cutting vary. In its most severe form, infibulation, the cut edges of the labia are sewn together to achieve a smoothness considered to be beautiful. The vagina must be reopened for ...
In Eritrea, before the onset of puberty, 39 per cent of girls had gone through infibulation, 5 a particular method of genital mutilation considered to promote abstinence of intercourse due to ...
The two most common forms of mutilation are excision and infibulation. Excision involves total or partial removal of the prepuce, clitoris and/or labia minora. Infibulation is the total amputation ...
leaving a small opening for the flow of urine and menses (infibulation, also known as the Pharaonic form); Type IV: includes other forms of nontherapeutic genital alteration such as pricking ...
The book argues that the preoccupations that have remained central throughout Farah’s forty year career, including political autocracy, female infibulation, border conflicts, international aid and ...
Ndey Rose Sarr, UNFPA country representative to The Gambia, has said that Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting is a harmful and a human rights violation. She added that it is also a sexual rights ...
The types of cutting vary. In its most severe form, infibulation, the cut edges of the labia are sewn together to achieve a smoothness considered to be beautiful. The vagina must be reopened for ...