A Holocaust survivor and a shipping financier, he returned to his home country, where his parents and brother perished, to ...
Sure, there were righteous non-Jews who helped save many Jews, they are honored at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem, but the vast ...
The October 7 Hamas attack on Israel sparked an emotionally charged phenomenon: a new wave of Jews choosing to move to Israel ...
Ellenbogen corresponded and vouched for hundreds of Jews so they could enter the U.S., saving their lives from the atrocities ...
Since Oct. 7, more than 40% of American Jews have felt unsafe wearing Jewish symbols in public and more than a quarter have ...
But anti-Semitism isn’t the number-one enemy of the Jews. Assimilation continues to eat away at the Jewish People but no one speaks about it anymore. If you could find an honest survey the figure ...
A religious war is erupting in Brownstone Brooklyn. An historic enclave in Bedford-Stuyvesant is being considered for ...
The messaging behind the "free the hostages " activism ranges from harsh criticism of the Netanyahu government to apolitical ...
It seems like a no-brainer. Of course they are. Why even ask this question? Maybe because over recent months we’ve seen Jews marching with and supporting pro-Palestinian protestors: Senator Schumer ...
Chef Michael Twitty, singer Anthony Mordechai Tzvi Russell and Jews of Color Initiative CEO Ilana Kaufman will lead the ...
There are anti-Israel LGBTQ activists who are essentially telling Jews to be in the closet about their Judaism and ...
A litmus test has emerged across wide swaths of the literary world, effectively excluding Jews from full participation unless ...