"The bill also addresses offences and penalties, outlining specific non-compliance issues and their corresponding penalties, ...
Stakeholders in the Nigerian shipping industry have called for creation of a strong regulatory agency to administer Nigerian ...
Investigación Ucsc aumentó el conocimiento local sobre Anisakis, género de amplia distribución mundial que afecta a especies ...
Un paraíso. Esa es la mejor definición de esta zona de Almería, reserva natural de la biosfera y con tantos motivos por lso ...
Represented by the lawmaker representing Jibia/Kaita Federal Constituency, Katsina State, Sada Soli. The Speaker noted that the move to establish the regulatory agency is aimed at enhancing ...
As the present administration led by President Bola Tinubu marks its first year in office, about 82 local and international Civil Society Organizations ...
A coalition of civil society organisations on Tuesday, May 28, lamented that no fewer than 4416 people were killed and 4334 persons abducted in the last one year in Nigeria in various attacks and ...
As part of the ongoing celebrations to commemorate the Nigerian Air Force (NAF) 60th anniversary, the Nigerian Air Force Officers' Wives Association (NAFOWA), Katsina chapter, Saturday donated food ...
The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Tajudeen Abbas, and the Minister of Blue Economy, Gboyega Oyetola, along with other stakeholders, on Monday, advocated for the creation of a shipping ...
Café + Tostada integral con tomate y aguacate. Bacalao a la vizcaína + Ensalada.