日本三大瓦の一つ、島根県の石州瓦を生産する3社が11日、経営統合することで基本合意したと発表した。経営資源を集約して製造・営業体制を強化する。12月末の統合をめざす。瓦使用量の減少傾向が続くなか、石州瓦の存続と関連産業を含めた雇用維持を狙う。統合する ...
【読売新聞】「都知事選に30人の候補を擁立します」。政治団体「NHKから国民を守る党」が、東京都知事選(7月7日投開票)の立候補予定者を発表した4月11日の記者会見。立花孝志党首は選挙ポスター掲示板のおよそ半分を同団体のポスターで占 ...
If Tesla shareholders vote against restoring Elon Musk's $44.9 billion pay package Thursday, the CEO could deliver on threats ...
As other wide receivers around the NFL have decided to skip their team's minicamp in search of a new contract, Ja'Marr Chase ...
Jordan's Foreign Minister Says Israel Must Abide by UN Security Council Resolution June 11th, 19PM June 11th, 19PM CAIRO, June 11 (Reuters) - Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi said on Tuesday ...
United States coach Gregg Berhalter says he will be prioritizing player performance rather than the result when his team ...
The conservationist group known as NYC Audubon has changed its name to NYC Bird Alliance to distance itself from the pro-slavery views of ornithologist and illustrator John James Audubon.
In an emotional interview with Sky Sports Racing, David Oliver revealed his newest horse would remember a former American GI ...
Parts of northern Lower Michigan dipped below freezing last night. How did this happen?
The first all-civilian space mission is shedding light on the potential health risks facing private astronauts. The takeaway: ...
Singapore Airlines announced Monday that it would compensate victims of turbulence $10,000, while those suffering serious injuries have been offered $25,000.
Bukayo Saka’s fitness is a concern ahead of Euro 2024, though there is still hope he’ll be ready to start for England on ...