Antonio Pappano’s 22-year tenure as music director of the Royal Opera has been so outstandingly successful, so important for ...
She graduated summa cum laude, was valedictorian of her 1977 class, served as an Editor of the WSU Law Journal, published an article on the rights of meretricious spouses, and won numerous awards for ...
Imagine the scale and moral dimension of losing that many American civilians—and in such a manner. Meretricious antisemites who occupy and disrupt college campuses, city streets and bridges, and who ...
He earned a meretricious first-class BA in English Literature back in 2016, writing his undergraduate dissertation on Bastion and Transistor. He loves playing dangerously competitive games and factory ...
Other, less generous, critics have argued that it is a meretricious replication of Barack Obama's campaign in 2008. The voters of Gauteng will decide which is true on May 7 th. What is of particular ...