A nivel nacional, se ha registrado un marcado aumento en las visitas a salas de emergencia y hospitalizaciones por covid-19, influenza y el virus respiratorio sincitial.
Italy wants Palestine to exist alongside Israel but to do requires "guarantees" including mutual recognition by both states, foreign minister Antonio Tajani told public broadcaster Rai 3's 'Agora ...
Bolstering water resources, environmental and higher education collaboration with "strategic" Central Asian countries is the main aim of a meeting in Rome on Wednesday attended by over 30 major ...
A recent study in Nature Medicine pinpoints sources of ozone pollution and its deadly health impacts across Europe, highlighting the need for coordinated international efforts to reduce ozone ...
Erdosteine is manufactured by Edmond Pharma (Milan, Italy) and commercialized in 42 countries in Europe and worldwide under different trade names (e.g., Erdotin ®, Erdomed ® and Mucotec ®). The ...
Julie Appleby, senior correspondent, has reported on the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, health care treatments and costs, trends in health insurance, and policies affecting hospitals and ...
This page requires JavaScript to be enabled to properly display data shown within components like charts, tables, etc.. Circulation of respiratory viruses is normally ...