Bersatu president Muhyiddin Yassin has warned the party's elected representatives that refusal to follow any order by the ...
Faced with student protestors’ demands, donors, and managing their reputations, educational institutions are finding themselves between a rock and a hard place.
They didn’t illegally camp out in local parks or on college campuses, as many protesters did across the U.S. recently. But ...
But an uproar ensued. One that merits discussion. The tendency of the media and the public was to debate the issue by asking ...
SC in 2020 had directed that every police station in the country must have night-vision CCTV cameras, capable of recording ...
In choosing to risk arrest, the five of us recognized that we would be inconvenienced and possibly treated roughly, and ...
The key word in civil disobedience is “civil.” In a democracy, progress is seldom (dare I say never) accomplished by hurling ...
Georgian civil society organizations issued a statement announcing their disobedience to the Foreign Agents Law, which was adopted yesterday, after overriding the President’s veto. In the statement, ...
Members of Generation Z are much more likely to embrace civil disobedience than older adults, with research suggesting young ...
Golan, called for "widespread civil disobedience" in order to put heavy pressure on Netanyahu and his government such as "We ...
National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir on Wednesday night appealed to Attorney General Gali Baharav Mihara, demanding that she open a criminal investigation against the new Labor Party Chairman ...
As a moral and political philosopher, I believe it is important for citizens to understand the role civil disobedience can play in checking abuses of power and nurturing democracy. Civil ...