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L’ex governatrice umbra Catiuscia Marini ha anche ricordato che una delle pm d’assalto della Procura, Gemma Miliani, è sposata con un giornalista che fa la cronaca giudiziaria a Perugia, in una ...
and he is acknowledged as the head of a group known as the 'liberating' protectors (sgrol-'ging). Though he is a Hindu god, he and Indra have been incorporated in the Buddhist pantheon. He is one of ...
Album of watercolours, 1815. Episodes in the life of the prince known in Pali as Vessantara (in Tibetan as Dri-med-kun-Idan or Thams-cad-sgrol [Saviour of all, literally "Liberating all"], in Sanskrit ...
Le investigazioni, svolte da unità specializzate del GICO del dipendente Nucleo PEF anche mediante attività tecnica e servizi di osservazione e riscontro, avrebbero fatto luce su un collaudato sistema ...
The Seventh Dalai Lama's residence at Gartar Monastery, which began in 1730, greatly affected the relationship between the Kham region and the Tibetan government as well as the Qing court's control ...
8Ac wedi iddo gymryd y sgrôl, syrthiodd y pedwar creadur byw a'r pedwar henuriad ar hugain o flaen yr Oen, ac yr oedd gan bob un ohonynt delyn, a ffiolau aur yn llawn o arogldarth; y rhain yw gweddïau ...