We've partnered with Bain & Company for a "Win With Conversations" report, revealing insights on digital platform conversations, involving enterprises, small businesses, and people.
Performance Talks’ is a video series where we go behind the scenes with some of the world’s most innovative business leaders to discuss strategy, performance and industry trends. In this latest ...
We’re celebrating four women of impact who have built a global presence through their exceptional talents and passions across sports, entertainment and music industries. We’re announcing the third ...
Oh La Vache offers unique farm stays from across France. Families can experience a taste of farm life, including goat cheese making, horse riding, bread making and even therapy with farmyard animals.
A video of “spacesky:mars” which won the second prize for “Mobility of Tomorrow” theme in the Middle East and North Africa’s first Spark AR challenge.
A video explaining a small business in Poland, Float Lubin, flotation therapy where you can relax, unwind and recharge. This is a part of EMEA’s “Good Ideas Deserve to Be Found” campaign.
A video about Ceramica Assunta, which produces beautiful, ceramic pottery. This is part of EMEA’s “Good Ideas Deserve to Be Found” campaign.
A video that explains the launch of the Creators of Tomorrow showcase, which highlights diverse individual talents across Europe, The Middle East and Africa who are inspiring a new movement of ...
A video that explains how we’re connect people with details about voter registration and the election from their state election officials through Feed notifications and our Voting Information Center.