There is no globally accepted recommended police-to-population ratio. Mark Shaw, director of the Global Initiative Against ...
Thirty-one countries in Africa have laws that criminalise homosexuality, according to the International Lesbian, Gay, ...
A viral video that appears to be from a popular Kenyan TV station claims that a miracle cure for diabetes exists. The video ...
Several posts on Facebook in Nigeria claim that the country’s fire service has released a list of the successful candidates ...
No VAT on bread, motorcycles, condoms, sanitary pads, eggs, milk, animal feeds, pesticides, (internet tax only for foreigners ...
Note: This report includes details about a developing news story. Information was, as far as possible, correct at the time of ...
The epicentre of terrorism has now definitely shifted from the Middle East to the central Sahel region of sub-Saharan Africa. In 2023 there were just under 4,000 deaths from terrorism in the Sahel, or ...
CIA PLANS TO FRAME MK BY CREATING A WAR IN KZN”. That’s a claim presented as a “breaking news” graphic going viral on social ...
Posts on Facebook have claimed that the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) is set to withdraw the licences of three banks – Unity, ...
AMERICAN soldiers watch as RUSSIAN soldiers TAKE OVER a base the US built and paid for in NIGER,” reads the caption for a ...
Kenya has been experiencing heavy rains since March 2024, causing widespread flooding and damage to infrastructure.  By May, ...
AstraZaneca Covid 19 vaccine withdrawn worldwide after manufacturers admitted it can cause dangerous side effect,” reads a ...