Poppers maculopathy is a complication of alkyl nitrate (poppers) inhalation. It presents with non-specific symptoms and variable signs, which can make it difficult to diagnose. We present a case of ...
A female in her 20s presented with a diminution of vision in the right eye (RE) following an open globe injury (scleral ...
A 22-year-old woman was diagnosed with thyrotoxicosis 8 weeks after the diagnosis of a mild COVID-19 infection. She had reported significant unexplained weight loss after testing positive for COVID-19 ...
A 61-year-old man with no significant medical history developed fever, headache and mild shortness of breath. He tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 and self-isolated at home, not requiring hospital ...
The COVID-19 mainly affects the respiratory system; however, a variety of atypical manifestations of this disease have been also reported. Herein, we report a case of a man in his late 50s with severe ...
This case report focuses on the replacement of ceramic laminate veneers with suboptimal marginal fit and design, employing a digital workflow and CAD–CAM technology. The patient, a woman in her 30s, ...
A 58-year-old female with known type 2 diabetes mellitus continued to take her usual medications, including metformin, an ACE inhibitor and a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, while suffering from ...
More than 25 years after being diagnosed with bipolar disorder and receiving continuous treatment with lithium, a woman develops Takotsubo syndrome. If you wish to reuse any or all of this article ...
Cocaine use causes profound vasoconstriction leading to various systemic complications. Gastrointestinal complications such as mesenteric ischaemia are difficult to recognise and may result in serious ...
A 79-year-old man presented to the emergency department following a 1-week history of dyspnoea, dysphonia, dysphagia and a nonproductive cough. Previous medical history included atrial fibrillation, ...
A 61-year-old man presented to the ENT emergency clinic with a history of unilateral facial nerve palsy occurring shortly after each dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. The first episode ...
We report a case of a woman in her 30s who underwent femtosecond LASIK (laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis) in both eyes to correct her simple myopic astigmatism. After the surgery, both eyes ...