Charlie Sykes points out that Senator Ron Johnson has every reason to be worried about Wisconsin charging people behind the ...
Trump attorney Alina Habba told Charlie the dimwit Kirk that even though the shitposter was exposed as a troll, if the cousin of the juror was true, then a mistrial should be granted. Huh? If true but ...
Representative Glenn Grothman is sure that feminists, Blacks and the government is out to destroy families by removing the ...
In a secret recording, Martha Ann Alito vowed she'd get back at all the mean media aiming at her and her husband.
Round-up by Tengrain who blogs at Mock, Paper, Scissors. You can follow Tengrain on the Fediverse. Send tips, requests, and ...
The Flying Spaghetti Monster was a response to the Christian nationalists promoting intelligent design over science. Today's ...
For nearly 20 years we have been exposing Washington lies and untangling media deceit, but now Facebook is drowning us in an ...
For nearly 20 years we have been exposing Washington lies and untangling media deceit, but now Facebook is drowning us in an ...
For nearly 20 years we have been exposing Washington lies and untangling media deceit, but now Facebook is drowning us in an ocean of right wing lies. Please give a one-time or recurring donation, or ...
For nearly 20 years we have been exposing Washington lies and untangling media deceit, but now Facebook is drowning us in an ...
That's one way to deal with how expensive running for office has become, especially in a party where the presidential nominee ...
If the Sandy Hook massacre was a hoax, then how could there have been multiple shooters? Jones turned his ridiculously stupid ...