Animals are dying in barn fires on farms - but why? Fires have become part and parcel to animal agriculture, and the problem ...
McDonald's has added two new dairy-free ice cream desserts to its vegan menu in the UK. The Vegan Scoops will be available ...
A new study has shone light on the complex social lives of elephants, finding that they appear to use names to address each ...
Most plant-based tinned fish products are a vegan take on tuna. But, from today (June 12), plant-based tinned “snowcrab” and ...
Summer is almost here, and it’s the perfect time to explore fresh and vibrant courgette recipes. Courgettes, with their mild ...
In a new open letter, Plant Based Health Professionals and other doctors' groups have called on AHDB to withdraw its Let's ...
Not sure what to have for dinner tonight? Take your pick from these 10 tasty noodle recipes - Media Credit: Rebel Recipes ...
These smashed new potatoes with turmeric mayo are the perfect snack, side, or picnic treat and they're completely vegan.
If you’ve been looking for the ultimate vegan BLT, then this recipe from BOSH! is right up your alley. This massive sandwich ...
Chris Packham, President of the RSPCA, urges the charity to ditch its farm assurance scheme following a huge investigation by ...
The company that surrendered 4,000 beagles kept in "shocking" conditions has received a record fine for breaching the US ...
Orange juice makers consider alternative fruits as the climate crisis causes drought, disease, and extreme weather, and ...