“While Americans have complex opinions on gender identity and transgender rights, a growing share of voters (65%) say that whether a person is a man or woman is determined by the sex they were ...
I finished my MDiv at BBS in 2015. That was the year they changed their name to Summit University---still have the Summit University polo shirt---only to have to change it to Clarks Summit University ...
“Finding a job is always going to be a spiritual journey for the Christian. Here are a few practical tips from my own experience that I can share with you” - IFWE ...
“Echoing Catholic teaching, ERLC President Brent Leatherwood says the procedure causes moral harm and separates procreation from sex.” - RNS ...
“Dinesh never really got off of the big picture into the details, so there’s a lot of vagueness….” - Gavin Ortlund ...
“With nearly 1 million followers, author and speaker Beth Moore is considering shutting down her presence on X (formerly Twitter). The social media giant recently updated its official policy on ‘adult ...
“Prior to being named at the president of Cru, Robbins served as the CEO of FamilyLife, another Cru ministry focused on helping families grow closer to God and each other, since 2017. He has also ...
“To date, no names appear on the Ministry Check website designed to track abusive pastors, despite a mandate from Southern Baptists to create the database. The committee has also found no permanent ...
“Wouldn’t it be great if children growing up in Christian homes looked forward to additional God-centered holidays…. I like Richard’s idea of a ‘Looking Forward Day,’ as in “looking forward to a new ...
“One in 5 U.S. Protestant pastors (21 percent) say they see nothing wrong with two people of the same gender getting married…. Three in 4 (75 percent) are opposed, including 69 percent who strongly ...
This is a truly helpful contribution to the debate: it helps bring the points of disagreement into focus, doesn’t ignore the realities involved, and suggests an interesting third option.
Deplatforming: “Use of the word has expanded to include banning, limiting, or demonetizing an individual or organization’s social media access based on the content or ideology of their message.” - ...