The research does not support the view that immigrants commit crime or are incarcerated at higher rates than native-born ...
EagleAI is a program pushed by election deniers to supposedly root out voter fraud, and now a state election official is ...
Last week, the Supreme Court’s supermajority of six highly conservative justices issued a ruling weakening voting rights laws ...
The Court said that data on voters’ race couldn’t be used to advance or undermine voting rights because of long-standing ...
The justice’s contempt for ethical standards demonstrates the poisonous effects of too much power for too long.
Justice Alito’s display of flags associated with the January 6 insurrection shows that the current system isn’t working.
Commercial brokers sell Americans' sensitive personal information to the government. A pair of bills would crack down.
The federal government’s guidance for “safe and responsible” AI is positive in theory. Here’s how to put it into practice.
The originalist Court’s “old history only” approach shows its cracks as justices offer differing views of the past and its ...
This article first appeared at Just Security. On May 22, the House Committee on Homeland Security will hold a hearing on how ...