After the debate, a letter from Treasury permanent secretary James Bowler emerged in which he distanced his department from ...
Civil service headcount has risen again and is now at its highest level since September 2006. Full-time equivalent staff ...
Prospect's biennial conference has asked the union to carry out a survey of members' mental health, starting with defence ...
Prospect general secretary Mike Clancy has called for politicians to stop attacking civil servants and take responsibility ...
The next government must cut down on public spending or raise taxes, the Institute for Fiscal Studies has warned in a report ...
There are few ideas about management and business that both ‘cut through’ to wider audiences and hang around for decades. One ...
Prevention is an attractive and perennial theme in public policy, but good intentions rarely translate into successful action ...
Top-down targets simply don’t release the creativity and compassion in our public servants that all of us are going to depend ...
The suggestion that "independent" HM Treasury officials had costed Labour policies and concluded that they would cost each ...
Labour should set up a 'commission against corruption and malversation' to combat sleaze if it gets into government, academic ...
Paul Johnson, the director of the Institute for Fiscal Studies, has said the lack of transparency over planned cuts to public ...
UKSA chair says politicians should be clearer about the source of stats after PM said officials had signed off on claim ...