Sign up here to receive “The US in brief” as a newsletter, each weekday, in your inbox. Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden’s ...
WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS’S “The Second Coming” was written as a warning about the state of the world. Although “Things fall apart ...
The latest news in US politics, with coverage of Joe Biden and the Democrats, Donald Trump and the Republicans plus daily updates about the 2024 US election.
These numbers suggest that the race is hardly a “toss-up”. True, the five months remaining before the vote give Mr Biden time to make up ground, and the polls may underestimate his true support. But ...
JOE BIDEN’S job-approval rating stands at 39%, putting him roughly in a tie for lowest of any president at this point in his term in the history of American polling. In all six states that could prove ...
A head of America’s election in November, company bosses, financiers and diplomats are busy calling on Donald Trump’s allies, trying to divine the economic policies that the f ...
Tim Cook has an air of bashful reverence. In his 13 years at the helm of Apple he has created more value than just about any CEO in history, as the tech behemoth’s market capitalisation has climbed ...
For a place that is often described as left behind and forgotten, Teesside receives a lot of attention from politicians. The Evening Gazette, a local newspaper, tallied over ten visits from Boris ...
Matthew Holehouse, our British political correspondent, contemplates Keir Starmer’s home borough, Camden ...
THE TITLE of the Ukraine Recovery Conference that opened on June 11th in Berlin may seem overly hopeful. For the moment there is still a lot more destruction than reconstruction going on in the ...
SOMETIMES YOU have no choice but to roll the dice. That is where France’s president, Emmanuel Macron, found himself on the night of June 9th. He had just received a thumping in elections to the ...
His unexpected decision, announced on June 9th, to dissolve the National Assembly and hold snap elections at a two-round vote ...