Age no obstacle to cohort of elder candidates contesting the local elections, with first-time candidates ranging in vintage ...
The Irish Aer Corp have two new Airbus C295 maritime patrol aircraft which will expand their aerial surveillance capability.
Environmental protesters seeking to block an emissions-cutting €1.5bn wind farm in order to preserve a weather station typify ...
Ceremonies likely to be the among the last honouring second World War veterans, many aged 100 or more, in their presence ...
The Caterpillar Poetry Prize, which is for unpublished poems written by adults for children and now in its tenth year, has ...
A taxi driver has gone on trial charged with the rape of two young women in separate incidents in Dublin two years ago. The ...
Meta, like many big companies, is introducing AI chatbots that can help users with everything from answering questions to ...
Interest rates are – finally – coming down, with the European Central Bank set to start out today on the long road to ...
Ryanair on Thursday lost a court battle against a €10-billion Spanish solvency scheme for pandemic-hit companies approved by ...
Gardaí in Carlow are appealing for witnesses after a woman was abducted whilst sitting in the back seat of a car. The car was ...
Degrees will continue to have their place but employers now keen on education and training that can have an immediate impact ...
When an Irish Times opinion poll on the European Elections was published showing that Barry Andrews was leading the pack in ...