Thousands of small-scale rice mills in the regions were forced to stop operating. There are several things that trigger it.
Singer Nadin Amizah chose one song from the album For the World, Love and Dirt to be made into a music video. The song "At ...
Presiden Rusia Vladimir Putin memberi peringatan agar jangan meremehkan Rusia serta menganggap bahwa Moskwa akan kecut dari ...
Anxiety has hit residents who deal with rice. Prices of this food ingredient are considered unstable. The right steps are ...
As a reaction to NATO's actions which were considered to threaten their sovereignty, Russia collaborated with Belarus, its ...
Sri Mulyani is perhaps the name most mentioned over the past week at the DPR Building, Senayan, Jakarta. As the finance ...
Selama masa panen dan harga kopi meningkat, Budiansyah punya strategi tersendiri. Produksi kopi bubuk kemasan di rumah ...
JAKARTA, KOMPAS – The World Bank increased the projection of economic growth for 2024 to 2.6 percent. In projections released ...
Sisi lain kecerdasan buatan ialah memicu peningkatan sebaran hoaks. Jurnalisme bisa dijadikan alat untuk memeranginya.
Tokoh Buaya Jantan dihadirkan Nano (tidak ada dalam dongeng) untuk memberinya konteks waktu serta keseimbangan plot kisah.
Penerimaan peserta didik baru belum berjalan mulus. Fenomena rebutan kursi dan gratifikasi di sekolah dianggap biasa.
The other side of artificial intelligence is that it triggers an increase in the spread of hoaxes. Journalism can be used as ...