They say that going to space changes you. Often, what’s being referenced is a shift in mindset, a renewed sense of perspective that comes from seeing our world from above, a phenomenon that’s been ...
In the late 1860s, European colonists started importing hedgehogs into New Zealand. The goal: to make the unfamiliar landscape feel a bit more like home. Over the next 100 years, hedgehogs settled in ...
Cancer is on the rise in the United States in Generation X (people born between 1965 and 1980) compared with their parents’ generations, a new study shows. That could be bad news for younger ...
Tests on brain organoids suggest the disease-causing prions face a tough barrier to infect people, but ruling out transmission is a difficult task.
A lot of people are focused on signs of alien life, but the space telescope will have a lot to say about exoplanet geology and formation.
People have been wrongly jailed for forensic failures. Scientists are working to improve police lineups, fingerprinting and even DNA analysis.
Seismic data reveal that the Cascadia megathrust consists of at least four segments, the most dangerous of which may lurk offshore of Washington.
A kneecap and two teeth belonged to the smallest known great ape, a study contends. If so, it’s the first to coexist with another great ape in Europe.
Horse power may have revved up about four millennia ago.
Lacrymaria olor, a single-celled protist, can extend its neck up to 30 times its body length. These before-and-after images show how microtubules curve around the organism’s body to create curved ...
The samples, which will be returned to Earth in late June, could help researchers figure out why the moon’s two sides are so starkly different.
A modeling study of California wildfires from 2008 through 2018 estimates that smoke exposure was responsible for as many as 55,700 premature deaths.