There was a point in this pop revival jaunt where you could feel members of the crowd wince. Not for the performance, but ...
The US-born though now Iceland national’s follow-up to 2021’s Boy from Michigan is not just about interpreting growing up in ...
Tomás Fernández Soto, AKA Perrate, comes from a celebrated Spanish flamenco bloodline while ZA! are an experimental Catalan ...
We vividly remember the image of Martin Lovett, the cellist of the legendary Amadeus Quartet, bursting out laughing. He tells ...
There are many women whose outstanding science was attributed to men or simply devalued to the point of obscurity, but recent ...
Viggo Mortensen has parlayed film stardom into the life of a hard-working, bohemian-minded gentleman scholar. His Lord of the ...
It is a truth universally acknowledged that an actor tends to take a sympathetic view of the character he inhabits, however ...
Why would anyone want to stage a work like The Merry Widow in this day and age? Silly question. It’s the music, stupid. Of ...
Success in running a large and expanding dance-house enterprise requires knowing when to play safe and when to play with fire ...
Alice Childress’s Wedding Band has arrived at the Lyric Hammersmith like an incendiary bomb, a weapon that casts a bright ...
At 81, John Cale, an immensely prolific, wide-ranging and innovative musician, continues to take risks, making music that may ...
Stéphanie Di Giusto, who directed the Belle Époque arts biopic La Danseuse, about the groundbreaking Paris Opera performer ...