Primavera Sound still have some way to go to make their Porto event as strong and essential as its elder sibling, writes John ...
Sony Music have announced that they will commemorate the 40th anniversary of Bruce Springsteen’s Born In The U.S.A, with a ...
FEET have shared new single, "Greasy Boy", as the final taster from their forthcoming second album Make It Up. “We spent a ...
ANOHNI and the Johnson have returned with the brand new single, "Breaking". The brand new single is taken from the same ...
As a seasoned live act with the ferocity and grit that go hand in hand with their unique harebrained concoction of sounds, it ...
Chelsea Wolfe has shared "House of Self-Undoing (Boy Harsher Remix)" as the first remixed track from her recently released ...
A Continual Farewell, My Life in Letters With Tony Wilson by Lindsay Reade is the forthcoming full colour account of their ...
Charli XCX has released the deluxe album, Brat and it’s the same but there’s three more songs so it’s not. Following on the ...
Humanist has shared the new single “Brother” from their upcoming album On The Edge Of A Lost And Lonely World, which features ...
South London auteur Heartworms has returned with the brand new single "Jacked" as her first release of 2024. Heartworms ...
Hayden Thorpe has announced his forthcoming studio album, Ness, alongside the brand new single, "They". Written following ...
“I’m never far from the centre of the storm,” laughs Canadian-American singer, songwriter, composer and musical polymath ...