Jakarta (AsiaNews) – Sorbatua Siallagan, a traditional musician, has been in jail since March in North Sumatra for defending ...
Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic is a recently introduced weight loss supplement. This weight loss formula is garnering massiv ...
Jakarta: A magnitude 6.2 quake struck off the shores of Indonesia's Sumatra island on Tuesday with the epicentre at a depth ...
In this Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic review, we'll take an in-depth look at this weight-loss supplement With so many dubious ...
Heavy rains and torrents of cold lava and mud flowing down a volcano's slopes on Indonesia’s Sumatra island have triggered flash floods PADANG, Indonesia -- Heavy rains and torrents of cold lava ...
From visiting an orangutan sanctuary in Bukit Lawang to surfing in West Lampun, and checking out the famed Lake Toba, there ...
BUKITTINGGI, Indonesia, May 14 (Reuters) - The number of people killed by flash floods and mud slides in Indonesia's West Sumatra province has risen to 52, and more than 3,000 people have been ...
TANAH DATAR, Indonesia, May 15 (Reuters) - The death toll from weekend flash floods and mud slides in Indonesia's West Sumatra province rose to 62 on Wednesday, authorities said, while rescuers ...
Apart from Bobby Nasution, Edy Rahmayadi also took part in the fit and proper test for North Sumatra gubernatorial candidate from PKB.
Several scientific studies prove that lack of sleep is one of the main reasons for obesity. Deep restorative sleep is necessary to sustain a healthy weight and toned physique. When the sleep is ...
Electricity disruptions cause disruptions in communication networks and the internet, thus disrupting business activities.
Heavy rains and torrents of cold lava and mud flowing down a volcano's slopes on Indonesia's Sumatra island triggered flash floods that killed at least 37 people and more than a dozen others were ...