Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic is a recently introduced weight loss supplement. This weight loss formula is garnering massiv ...
Jakarta (AsiaNews) – Sorbatua Siallagan, a traditional musician, has been in jail since March in North Sumatra for defending ...
Traffic stopped gradually, then suddenly, as the new year approached around an hour’s drive out of the city of Pekanbaru here ...
Apart from Bobby Nasution, Edy Rahmayadi also took part in the fit and proper test for North Sumatra gubernatorial candidate from PKB.
Electricity disruptions cause disruptions in communication networks and the internet, thus disrupting business activities.
Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic is a novel weight loss complex that has become a topic of discussion among weight loss circle ...
The flood and landslide handling operations in Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU), South Sumatra, has entered the recovery phase, ...
JAKARTA - Around 50 Rohingya Muslims have arrived in Indonesia's North Sumatra province, an official at the U.N. refugee ...
UNHCR is coordinating with its local partners and authorities to gather more details on the group - who appeared to be made ...
PADANG, Indonesia (AP) — Heavy rains and torrents of cold lava and mud flowing down a volcano's slopes on Indonesia’s Sumatra ...
A magnitude 6.2 quake struck off the shores of Indonesia's Sumatra island on Tuesday with the epicentre at a depth of 12km, the country's geophysics agency said.