The federal government May 31 added acetal to the list of plastics and feedstocks that are included in the Superfund excise ...
"The Ministry of Commerce has decided to conduct an anti-dumping investigation on imported acetal copolymers originating in ...
Kelly noted that Celanese then is using this carbon-capture methanol to produce its polyoxymethylene (POM) — aka acetal — in its Bishop, TX, facility. The end result, he says, is a net-zero-carbon ...
China has taken a new step in the ongoing economic battle with the west, launching a new anti-dumping probe of plastics made ...
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou 310018, China ...
We're amazed by the individually-sleeved PSU cables in this custom water-cooled PC, which was built from scratch and is ...
The mirror-finish custom distro plates in this gaming PC really help show off the magenta coolant and satin tubing, and this ...
Cooling time is typically the longest step of the molding process. How can you make it more productive? Learn how cooling time can be turned into production time by running two molding processes ...