He also noted that Article 131 aims to provide a forum for resolving disputes between states or between a state and the Union ...
BALANCING RISK, INNOVATION AND ETHICAL STANDARDS IN COMPLIANCE The effective adaptation, advocacy and adjudication of tech ...
Twenty Luzerne County government workers were hired in May, while the same number left county employment due to resignations, ...
The disunity that plagues America imposes high costs on the nation. A diverse citizenry must work together despite partisan ...
"Turning people away and not allowing them access to the asylum adjudication system when they present themselves between ...
The Department of Transport (DoT) said on Sunday it is on track to deliver a new driving licence card and printing equipment ...
China had more than 2,800 environmental adjudication institutes by December, giving it the world's most intensive and ...
Two brothers who were involved in the fatal shooting of an elderly woman in July of 2023 have taken a plea deal. Joshua ...
Udayraj Yadav Proprietor-Zenith Creative Services Vs Sales Tax Officer Class II AVATO Ward 96 Zone 09 Delhi & Anr. (Delhi High Court) In a significant judgment, the Delhi High Court has quashed a GST ...
Mann, J.D., as its Managing Director of Adjudication, a role that supports upholding the organization's Code of Ethics and Standards of Conduct (Code and Standards). Mann brings 25 years of legal ...
The MOU, aiming to beautify China and strengthen environmental protection in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, was signed on ...
The order stems from a class action brought three years before the U.S. fully withdrew from Iraq and Afghanistan in 2021.