A postman has been photographing the sights and scenery on his rounds in the west Highlands. Declan Friel moved to Lochalsh ...
Palaeontologists spotted the fossil remains in 2006 during a field trip to Elgol (Natural History Museum and Witton/PA Wire) ...
Tonight, areas of cloud will continue moving in from the west, with the best of any clear spells to the east of high ground. Near dawn, spells of heavy, showery rain will arrive in the north-west ...
Scientists have discovered a new species of pterosaur on the Isle of Skye in Scotland. Named Ceoptera evansae, the winged reptile lived between 168 to 166 million years ago during the Middle ...
Finally, an insider local tip is The Creel in Elgol, a simple kiosk serving incredible seafood, including a squat lobster roll for a measly £5.50. The lobsters and shellfish caught at Elgol are also ...
Heather Boyle snapped this photo of beautiful Ruby waiting for her boat to arrive to go on a day trip in Elgol, Skye. Please ensure that the photograph you send is your own and if you are ...
He said: "I really enjoy this job as it makes me feel a part of a community and the people of Elgol really accepted me as an Elgolian, even though I don’t actually live there." Mr Friel added ...