One of the memories that will stay with me forever is seeing the Pentagon on fire and being able to smell the fumes that were ...
Bill Maher was annoyed with Chris Wallace on Saturday for asking about a controversy from over 20 years ago that led to cancellation of Maher's then TV show.
Joshua Keating is a senior correspondent at Vox covering foreign policy and world news with a focus on the future of ...
How the state that aided terrorism on US soil has become an indispensable ally that the Biden administration is determined to ...
Although the frequency of the TTP’s attacks in Punjab pales into insignificance when compared to its activities in Khyber ...
Destroyed home of Mohammad Abdul on outskirts of Kismayo, Somalia in May 2024. (Morning Star News) NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning ...
ASIATODAY.ID, MOSCOW - US and UK intelligence services are attempting to leverage their long-standing ties with various ...
Islamic State uses AI for sophisticated propaganda, creating fake news anchors and videos to recruit and spread extremist ...
There are other videos showing things that allegedly suggest a direct link between the Saudi government and the 9/11 plot ...
MOGADISHU, Somalia - Somalia's al-Qaeda network associates; the Al-Shabaab, may have appointed a new army commander, a top ...
Singapore has tightened security after an attack on a police station in neighbouring Malaysia by a man with suspected ties to an Al-Qaeda-linked group, Prime Minister Lawrence Wong said Tuesday.
F or more than two decades, through two wars and domestic upheaval, the idea that al-Qaeda acted alone on 9/11 has been the ...