A Nigerian wife has cried out for advice online after finding sharp tools under her newlywed husband's pillowAccording to her ...
Lawal died on Thursday in Lagos, aged 61. In a statement issued in Abeokuta on Friday, the party’s Publicity Secretary, Mr.
NEWS DIGEST – In June 2015, I was in Abeokuta on an official assignment, and my experience at a restaurant around Panseke has ...
The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Plan for Tomorrow Transport Investment, Johnson Solanke, has urged investors the company ...
The development was confirmed in a press statement made available to New Telegraph by the Corps spokesman, Moruf Yusuf on Friday in Abeokuta, Ogun State capital. According to the statement, Ogunrinde, ...
A 44-year-old fish farmer and resident of Alako Nla village, along Kobape Road, Abeokuta, Dauda Jolaosho, on Wednesday ...
The Managing Director, Nilayo Sports Ltd, Chief Bukola Olapade, presented the partnership deal to the CEO of FEBBS Premium Water, Mr. Olasegun Dada, at the Nilayo Sports corporate office in ...
Lagos Police Command is investigating two teenagers for selling their organs to a medical doctor in Abeokuta, Ogun State Capital ...
To ensure that runners in this year’s Lotus Bank Abeokuta 10 km race are well hydrated, organisers of the race, Nilayo Sports Limited on Monday, June, 3, 2024, signed a partnership deal with FEBBS ...
Gafar Afolarin, a computer centre owner at the Federal College of Education in Abeokuta, Ogun State, shares with TEMITOPE ADETUNJI the tragic story of how his wife, Maryam, passed away three days ...
DAILY POST had reported that about five hooded gunmen reportedly hijacked the bullion van while it was ascending the popular Kuto Bridge in Abeokuta, opened fire on the official, broke the bullion ...
The Ogun State Government has said reconstruction on the Laderin-Train Station road in Abeokuta, the state capital, cannot begin unless the Federal Government grants approval. Recall that in 2023 ...