Results for the European elections in Greece on Sunday show that the governing New Democracy party won, but by losing at ...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has called on Benny Gantz to change his mind after the key war cabinet member ...
The far-right is the winner of Sunday's European elections in Greece. Three parties entered the European Parliament with ...
A record abstention rate close to 60 per cent, losses for New Democracy and gains for far right parties, and an increase in ...
Abstention on antisemitism measure spurs primary challenge for Atlanta Dem Credit: Maya Prabhu State Sen. Sally Harrell is being challenged by David Lubin in the May 21 Democratic primary.
Concerns are mounting in Cyprus over potential voter confusion, increased blank and invalid ballots, and high abstention ...
The Australian government has denied claims that it abstained on a UNESCO vote to return the Parthenon Sculptures.
Abstention is not enough. We need to vote for the PN in order to make ourselves heard loud and clear. Alexander Mangion is Deputy Mayor of Attard and candidate for the local council elections in ...
The prime minister said in his intervirew that he understood the fatigue people feel with the repeated elections ...
KCR should have known that during the Republic Day and Independence Day celebrations that the opposition party leaders and ...
In this case, for us, abstention is equal to support, – this is how the chairman of the parliament, Shalva Papuashvili, ...
The survey by Marc, conducted in recent days for Proto Thema confirms the long-established comfortable lead of the ruling ...