A startling interpretation of Nostradamus' prophecies suggests that King Charles' reign could be cut short, with the explosive suggestion that Prince Harry might ascend to the throne. Mario Reading, a ...
Mr. Biden talks about a world at risk from autocracies, but he acts like this is 1992 and the Soviet Union just collapsed.
The summer surge of COVID-19 infections has begun earlier and at higher levels than in previous years. As the Washington Post ...
Charles V is enthroned at centre. Battle weary and wracked by illness, in 1555 he divided up his empire. He gave his brother Ferdinand (left of the throne) the Holy Roman Empire, while his son Phillip ...
On May 12, 1937, five months after Edward VIII's abdication, his brother Albert - the stammering Duke of York - was crowned King George VI. The unlikely monarch's coronation took place on the same ...