“This route probably served as the major approach to the acropolis, and one may still see the remains of bases or pedestals that may have been for shrines along the original roadway. As we climb the ...
A few weeks ago, with a group of more than 30 Pioneer Press readers, I got to live out my dream trip,” Jess Fleming writes.
Many travelers and history buffs are aware that the British Museum in London is, controversially, the repository for the ...
The Cyclades are a treasure trove of archaeological sites, offering a glimpse into the rich history of the Aegean.
The story of how Athens, one of the oldest cities in the world, attained its current name is a foundational tale of Greek ...
Most recently, Turkish officials have rejected claims by the British Museum that British diplomat Lord Elgin was given ...
Whether you love barbecue, Latin food, or ice cream, there's guaranteed to be a truck for you on the streets of Evansville or ...
The British Museum has maintained that Ottoman authorities granted an imperial edict allowing the sculptures to be removed, ...
A Turkish official's remarks regarding the Parthenon sculptures taken by Britain have sparked optimism in Greece, reigniting ...
I’ve worn the Hoka Arahi overpronation shoes for over a year, and they’ve corrected my gait and reduced foot pain. Here’s my ...
A Turkish official's doubt on Britain's evidence for legally acquiring the 2,500-year-old Parthenon Marbles has reignited a ...
Greece’s culture minister says the comments made by a Turkish official at a UNESCO meeting last week, casting doubt on the ...