BOSTON -- A new study shows that adolescents with later sleep schedules puts them more at risk for other health issues.
A film based on Coach Baxter's life shows the use of psychological control can occur between caregiver and child.
The study also finds that internet addiction can harm mental health, social relationships, academics and career prospects.
AK was raised as a male child, and although his parents noticed abnormal genitalia in infancy, he looked more like a boy.He had a penis but no testicles and would pass urine while squatting like a ...
Current research may help adolescents and their parents understand why they might be cranky in the morning after not getting ...
She urged the government to maintain its policy to ban the e-cigarette trade in Thai territory, adding that legal action should be enforced against wrongdoers.
Recent research reveals new insights into muscle-building supplement usage among youth. A new study from the University of ...
Adolescents with an internet addiction undergo changes in the brain that could lead to additional addictive behavior and ...
The group reached consensus on several key points, agreeing that: In general, screen use impairs sleep health among children ...
Tobacco companies target children and young adults through marketing tactics, normalizing tobacco use. Learn how to protect adolescents from tobacco exposure.
Adolescents with an internet addiction undergo changes in the brain that could lead to additional addictive behavior and tendencies, finds a new study.