There is a good case to be made that Edward Gibbon’s Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire is the single most famous work of ...
I argue that while Jewish men had long been accused of lustfulness, effeminacy and sexual deviance, eighteenth-century culture added to these concerns a unique interest in sexual pathology, borne in ...
another of effeminacy, one encouraging abandonment, another self-control, another enthusiasm, and so on through the series." 7 Music can imitate a reasonable, ordered, honorable, virtuous emotion, in ...
St. Thomas Aquinas defines effeminacy as the inability to endure what is arduous for the sake of what is good. Women in ...
Among a cross section of Nigerian Christians, support for former US President Donald Trump remains stubbornly strong.
but has become a central term in what some observers have called the war on effeminacy. "It's the way a man behaves in the way we expect a woman to behave. It's about policing the traditional ...
another of effeminacy, one encouraging abandonment, another self-control, another enthusiasm, and so on through the series." 7 Music can imitate a reasonable, ordered, honorable, virtuous emotion, in ...
Back then, looking neat was seen as a sign of effeminacy. 2. Just 100 years before, however, being clean-shaven was seen as the height of manly sophistication. The only politician of note to have ...
It was a condemnation of effeminacy that would be echoed by writers throughout the sixteenth century. Like Guicciardini, these writers argued that men had abandoned an ideal past model of masculinity ...
A new six-part series pulls its punches with its examination of Lagerfeld’s life and career throughout the 1970s, halting ...