Migori County First Lady Dr Agnes Ayacko and Safaricom Foundation Chairman Joe Ogutu engage with a patient who received free ...
Anal fistula, also referred to as fistula-in-ano, is a small tunnel that is formed between the end of the anus and the skin ...
Individuals with fistulas may experience undesirable side effects, such as: diarrhea pain discomfort An anal fistula is the most common type of fistula. Symptoms include a tender swelling or lump ...
Fistula prevention involves strategies to educate communities about the cultural, social, and physiologic factors that increase the risk for fistula. On the basis of physiologic immaturity ...
In Uganda, about 7,200 maternal deaths occur every year, and for every maternal death, 6 – 15 mothers survive with chronic ...
Bomu hospital has so far reached out to around 500 fistula disease patients across the six coast region counties.
Obstetric fistula is a hole between the birth canal and bladder or rectum, caused by prolonged, obstructed labour without access to timely, high-quality medical treatment. It leaves women and ...
The world observed the International Day to End Obstetric Fistula on May 23. It is crucial to spotlight the plight of countless women who suffer in silence due to this devastating condition.
Female Genital Mutilation, long obstructed labour and teenage pregnancy cited as major contributors to high fistula cases.
As the world marked obstetric fistula day whose theme was ‘ overcoming barriers to provide more treatment,’ obstetric fistula ...
Commemorating the International Day to End Obstetric Fistula that falls on 23 of May every year, The United Nations ...