A woman took to social media to share how she struggled to speak Afrikaans. While in conversation with a little girl, the ...
Ian Vos, technical director of Africaans is Groot, serves as the technical director at Coleske Group, a subsidiary of Warner ...
Oxford University Press South Africa (OUPSA) has launched its Afrikaans library for Oxford Reading Buddy – which like its ...
In South Africa's last Afrikaner-only town of Orania, local leaders warn that Wednesday's general election could hasten what ...
Citing the Cambridge Dictionary, Tajuddin Rasdi pointed out that while the word “apartheid” originated from the Afrikaans word for South Africa’s system of institutionalised racism ...
Now viewers can enjoy the show in a variety of languages, including Afrikaans. Nickelodeon, aims to move the needle on promoting and preserving local language, after it discovered, through a study ...
The National Assembly has passed the Basic Education Laws Bill. The Bill was passed by the National Council of Provinces on Tuesday, with some changes that were directed back to the Basic Education ...
There are some Afrikaans words that nobody learned at school. However, it’s never too late to learn something. We put together this list of interesting, weird words and their meanings. ‘Koeksister’ is ...
“Rather build more schools. If there is a community with a properly functioning Afrikaans medium school and there is lots of need for an English language school or an IsiZulu school or ...
Barbara Cornelissen and Sunette Turnbull. The Afrikaans music legend rocked Ballito on Saturday evening, performing a number of her hits to a packed crowd at La Montagne. Clarice van Rooyen and ...