Actually, we DO have a villain this season – and its name is aguachile. Everyone's gotta cut it out with the aguachile! It's like every week somebody decides, no matter the challenge ...
Both were slow-sippers, lasting us most of the meal. I like to eat family style when I'm dining out, so we ordered the aguachile verde ($14) and a main course of carne asada ($26) to split.
“I look at the pictures of how I made [aguachile and ceviche] back then and I compare it to how I make it now,” he says. “I wouldn’t serve that.” Josh and his wife, Martha, gave him ...
Depending on which platter you choose, you’ll get to try some of The Lonely Oyster’s freshest offerings such as chilled clams, tiger prawns and scallop aguachile. 2724 Main St, Santa Monica, CA 90405 ...