There was immediate civic buy-in when Mercado González opened in November. Half a year in, how do the stalls stack up? Is ...
Maybe even more than the finale, Restaurant Wars is the episode every "Top Chef" fan looks forward to each season. Faced with ...
A new taco restaurant opened its doors at 1925 Monroe Street on May 8. Co-owners Ben Roberts and Alin Stupinean hope to create a laid-back tavern environment where patrons can hang out, watch a ...
“I look at the pictures of how I made [aguachile and ceviche] back then and I compare it to how I make it now,” he says. “I wouldn’t serve that.” Josh and his wife, Martha, gave him ...
Some of LA’s most exciting meals can be found on the back patio of a wine bar or under an EZ-up on a neighborhood corner. Pop-ups are ingrained in the dining culture of the Southland, whether ...