When a person breathes in allergens - in this case, pollen - the body reacts by releasing a natural chemical called histamine ...
Histamine is a natural chemical that helps your cells communicate. It plays a few important roles in your body, including managing your sleep cycle and supporting your brain function. But it is ...
Histamine release occurs as part of an allergic reaction and is stored in allergy cells. It is released quickly when cells ...
Finally, consult an allergist to discuss the best course of action for your child.This article provides expert opinions from ...
Benadryl belongs to a group of drugs called antihistamines. It works by blocking histamine—a chemical in the body that causes allergic symptoms. What's a Normal Benadryl Dosage for Adults? Depending ...
While there are more than 2,000 known species in the world, there are only three to worry about in the Peach State. And let’s ...
Wounds that are superficial for some can be life-threatening for others. With diabetic wounds, healing can be slow, ...
In patients with severe CSU refractory to any dose of antihistamine in combination with any dose of omalizumab, the guideline ...
Choose whole foods whenever possible to keep your digestive hormones steady. Take relaxing walks in nature. Stress reduction ...
Ask your doctor for a referral to a dietitian. Your dietitian may introduce you to a low-histamine diet if they confirm you can’t tolerate high-histamine foods. A low-histamine diet involves ...
Many want their fur babies to have a starring role in the celebrations, ranging from being part of the first dance, to ...
You’re not imagining things — bugs, including ones that bite, are more active in the summer. Here’s how to identify bug bites ...